Ongoing Online Course
Koshi Balancing™: An Integrated Japanese Approach to Whole Body Alignment
Jeffrey Dann’s Koshi Balancing™ Method is a structural approach to acupuncture. In the Japanese concept of the koshi, the lumbar pelvic center is the body’s central zone of power and movement. Like building a home, if the foundation is out of balance, the superior structures of walls and roof will be out of balance as well. The Koshi Balancing™ Method addresses the underlying structural system and supports overall constitution, energetic flow, and physical movement. Jeffrey combines acupuncture alongside several other Japanese systems including Seitai ho, shiatsu, Sawada ryu moxibustion, and Sotai movement therapy to achieve balance and free flow of qi.
Approved for 5 CEUs via NCCAOM, California, Florida, and Texas.
Learn more and register at
Workshops for Practitioners
Learn an integrated acupuncture and manual medicine approach to structural musculo-skeletal problems based both on the classics and on contemporary osteopathic and anatomical understanding of bio-tensegrity ad the fascial matrix.
Learn the Koshi Balancing™ Kata to complement and enhance your zang-fu energetic approach. Learn how to boost function and well-being with Meridian Therapy, Seitai and Sotai movements, and osteopathic techniques.
See structure and function (qi) in a dynamic, reciprocal relationship.
Contact Jeffrey Dann for upcoming workshop dates.